Editor's review
Scrabble is a great game for all ages. Just as there are computer versions of the game itself, there is software that substitutes Scrabble word lists and dictionaries and helps one solve the puzzle and achieve the best possible score. Scrabble™ Solution is a tool like that.
Scrabble™ Solution is a program that generates random Scrabble puzzles and lets you solve them by yourself. If you're not that patient, you can always put the 'Solve' button and the solution will be revealed to you. You can move on the playfield and place letter tiles with keyboard shortcuts.
The program features three separate lexicons - you can play under British or American spelling rules, for example. The lexicons contain some 190,000 words. You can also print out puzzles and puzzle over them off-line with a pen in your hand. Try this program today and get the highest score!
Scrabble™ Solution is a program that generates random Scrabble puzzles and lets you solve them by yourself. If you're not that patient, you can always put the 'Solve' button and the solution will be revealed to you. You can move on the playfield and place letter tiles with keyboard shortcuts.
The program features three separate lexicons - you can play under British or American spelling rules, for example. The lexicons contain some 190,000 words. You can also print out puzzles and puzzle over them off-line with a pen in your hand. Try this program today and get the highest score!
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